Saturday, February 26, 2011

all about octopuses part two

Hello again did you know that the female octopuses when they lay eggs they have to wait for a month they stay there for a long time they don't even eat so the mother die from starvation so when the eggs hatch they don't really learn from there parents that much . To get away from predators they through ink or hide or let there arm go to get away while the predators eat the arm. A blue ring octopus is the most poplar octopus it is also the poisiness octopus even though it is little as a golf ball !

Thursday, February 24, 2011

learn about octopus

Octopuses are a mollusk and is a veterbrate, that means have no bones in their body kind of like a jellfish but we not talking about jellyfish are we . octopuses is also call cephalopods that means head to foot octopuses is call that because their legs are attach to their heads . octopuses live in salt water in any oceans, the octopuses that live in the warm part of the ocean is small the octopuses that live in the cold water is pretty big. did you know there is about 300 speacies of octopuses! Did you also know that the tentacles is kind of like suction cups they use it to grab food and also taste, around their mouth there is a beak.they have three hearts is'nt that weird but to bad it could only live for 2 years I will talk more about it in part two, bye then see you in part two.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Did you know that jellyfish don't have any brains so since they don't have brains they use there nerves system

and not all jellyfish tentacles sting

in Australia there is a jellyfish call box jellyfish it is very poisones and it have 50 stingers and it could kill 60 people ! They also use there tentacles to grab fish they could only live for 6 months !

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Birds are very cool they could make their own special sound but a bird call lyrebird it could do else twenty different species sounds isn't that cool ! of lyrebirds The lyrebird could talk to

different birds lyrebirds is 100Cm long and the 3rd heaviest birds and the tail have sixteen feathers .Lyrebirds nest is on the ground and on rocks.